We have heard it from hundreds of teachers. Leading a student tour is one of the highlights of their school year.

We surveyed some of our more experienced Tour Leaders and heard five common answers to what they find the most rewarding to them for leading a student tour.

It’s scary and exciting at the same time. That pretty much describes most things in life that are worth doing and it’s true about taking students on an overnight trip. There are definitely reasons not to do it, but if you’re looking for the encouragement you need to go for it this year, here are five reasons you’ll love leading a student tour.


1. They will respect what you’re doing

Of course, we’d all like the kids to respect us, but like most relationships, respect is earned. Even a first grader can tell you if a teacher is working hard and cares about them. Students know if you are going above and beyond for them and they will respect that. Same goes for parents, administrators, and other teachers.

2. Feel great about leading by example

Every student looks to the adults in their life for examples of how to live life. Showing them how to travel safely, learn from new surroundings, and respectfully interact with new people or cultures is a lesson they will never forget.

3. Get a boost of confidence

It is no small feat to organize and lead a student tour. You can definitely check off the “I did it!” box and carry that feeling with you into your next challenge.

4. Bring on the fun

Yes, it’s educational, but include a visit to your favorite restaurant, adventure park, or whatever brings out your inner child and cut loose. Kids love to see adults having fun and you certainly deserve to have a great time!

5. Remember how you made them feel

You know the saying that goes something like, “They may not remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel.” They will have a great time and that feeling will stay with them forever. Now that’s something to love.

There are many other reasons to lead a student trip, but hopefully these few will highlight the importance of going for it this year.

What is your favorite reason for leading a student tour? Leave a comment to let me know. If you are interested in leading your own student tour, browse our student travel destinations and contact us for help creating a student trip for your school.