Whether you have an established school trip at your school or you’re just getting started, fundraising is always a big question from parents. Fundraisers are a great way to help take some of the financial burdens of a school trip off of parents’ shoulders. Every little bit counts and participation is the key to success.

Here is a list of creative school fundraising ideas that are sure to get people engaged!

1. Gear & Goodies

The most common way to raise money for a school trip is through sales! Whether your students go door-to-door, set up outside of a supermarket, or ask their family and friends, there are countless things you can create or make to raise money. If you want to raise funds & awareness simultaneously, consider creating trip-specific merchandise like t-shirts, hats, or face masks. Or, get your students involved by allowing them to be creative and make calendars, cards, posters, or goodie bags for sale.

2. Fun & Games

These fundraising projects for school may take a bit more planning and forethought, but they’re sure to encourage participation! You can invite the school and community to participate in several fun fundraisers, like a carnival. Other community events like a talent show or movie night could also garner lots of support.

If you’d prefer to keep your fundraising activities to your school only, you have many creative options. For example, classrooms can compete to raise money with simple rewards like a class pizza party or movie day. Or you can organize a school-wide event like a tournament or quiz game.

3. Experiences & Events

Depending on your community, it may be beneficial to plan some different event fundraisers. Of course, car washes and bake sales are always a huge hit, but you can branch out with new and unique opportunities to keep it fresh. For example, if your students are old enough, organize a “Parents Night Out” event where students provide childcare for a small fee. Or, schedule a silent auction for your school community. Partnering with a local restaurant for a night may also bring in some money for your travel plans!

4. Seasonal Significance

Check the calendar for any big holidays between now and your trip’s departure date. There are probably tons of holidays and seasonal events that you can use to raise funds for your school trip. Get your travelers involved by having them help craft and deliver Valentine’s Day gifts and Winter Goodies. Organize a haunted house or fall festival for the local community. Or, put together a “cake-walk” for any time of the year. There is always a season for baked goods.

5. Crowdfunding

One of the easiest ways to raise money for a school trip is to ask for donations. Students can reach out to family, friends, and relatives to ask for support. If you have a trip page online that is easy to share; you can encourage travelers to share the link on their social media platforms. If you travel with NationsClassroom, you can also utilize our online donation page to make the donation process easy for everyone.

What other creative school fundraising projects have you used at your school? You can check out more creative fundraising projects on our last blog post for school trips, and don’t forget about crowdfunding and scholarship opportunities!

When you’re ready to start planning your next student travel program, contact one of our Student Travel Consultants to learn how!